UC and UCI Policies
SGSM Department Policies
Policies & Procedures
To All Students within Student Government Student Media (SGSM)
As an organization and department under UCI and overseen by Student Affairs, we must abide by all orders, policies, and procedures given by UCI, the University of California Office of the President (UCOP), and the State of California.
Below are updated policies to reflect the changes made by the university for the protection of students, staff, faculty, and the community.
ALL policies & procedures are effective immediately.
Policies & procedures are subject to change at any point. Students and staff will be updated at the earliest of notice. SGSM reserves the right to continue any policies & procedures for the efficiency and productivity of the department. In addition, SGSM has the right to create internal practices for the efficiency and productivity of the department that are in line with university policy & procedure.
UC and UCI Policies
SGSM Department Policies
Policies & Procedures
To All Students within Student Government Student Media (SGSM)
As an organization and department under UCI and overseen by Student Affairs, we must abide by all orders, policies, and procedures given by UCI, University of California Office of the President (UCOP), and the State of California.
Below are updated policies to reflect the changes made by the university for the protection of students, staff, faculty, and community.
All policies are effective as of immediate.
Policies are subject to change at any point. Students and staff will be updated at the earliest of notice. Student Government Student Media reserves the right to continue any policies for the efficiency and productivity of the department.
- Student Governments funded through student fees must use funds in accordance with 60.00 Governance & Fees and 60 PACAOS.
- Student fees must be returned to students through events, workshops, resources, advocacy, employment, etc.
- Student fees are not permitted to be given to outside entities, people, or donated. This policy does not pertain to contracted entertainers, speakers, or other paid contracts.
- Student fees must be used in manners that benefit the student-body as a whole.
- Student governments will be upheld to their governing documents. Any departmental, UCI, or UCOP policies will supersede the governing documents of the student government.
All purchases are required to have been approved before purchase. Otherwise, they will not be reimbursed. Students will need to submit a purchasing request and order form to the SGSM Business Office for review. Failure to submit the request and get item(s) approved will result in a denial of reimbursement. If items are approved for purchase, students will receive notification of approval and if needed, be contacted by staff with further instruction if items are needed to be ordered as long as the Purchase Order form was completed as well.
- The purchase request and order form MUST be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks before the event date.
- For large/bulk orders, a purchase request form MUST be submitted a minimum of six (6) weeks before the event date.
- Purchase Request and Order Form: Click Here
- A purchase request form should be submitted per EVENT. All items should be specified on the order form based on the event. The only exception to this policy is when you are using multiple commissions working on the same event. Each commission will need to submit their own purchase request using their own commission budget. Secondary orders will be allowed upon the approval of the Event Team or Business Office.
- Purchase Requests must be submitted with the following title template ‘Event Name – Your Commission'”.
- Example: Beads and Friends- Garden Commission
- Purchase Requests must be submitted with the following title template ‘Event Name – Your Commission'”.
- A purchase request form may be submitted earlier than four (4) or six (6) weeks. If your purchase was approved as a staff purchase, send an email to Lupe at lvelezma@uci.edu and Jennifer at jenng24@uci.edu. You will title the email “PURCHASE REQUEST-Name of Event-Commission” and attach your approved PR. Paste the direct links to each purchase within the body of the email. The ordering of the items will be dictated at the discretion of the Events Team after the follow up email is sent to the events team requesting the purchase. You will receive an email from the Events Team confirming your request was received and another once your items are ready for pick up.
- If a purchase request and order form is placed outside the minimum deadlines, less than four (4) or six (6) weeks as noted, it is NOT guaranteed that SGSM will be able to purchase the items via the order form if the purchase request is approved, and it will be the responsibility of the student to purchase and submit a complete check reimbursement. Any purchase request and order form that does not adhere to the deadline will be reviewed after others have met the deadline.
- Technological purchase requests will be consulted with OIT before approval. All subscriptions and technological purchases must be done with a departmental email and never a personal/student email.
- If you are requesting staff to purchase catering or meals, a food form needs to be filled out and submitted with your Purchase Request. The food form can be found directly in the purchase request form on Workfront.
- Office-specific/related merchandise and clothing is meant for students who are on-campus only, working for their respective office. Items purchased will not be approved to be shipped to students. All items must be physically picked up. This includes clothing (considered uniforms) and office-specific items.
- All purchases and usage of student fees must abide by UCI policies:
- G-41– Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts
- G-42– Gifts Presented to Non-Employees on Behalf of the University
- 60 PACAOS– Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students (PACAOS)
- BUS-79– Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions
- 60 Governance & Fees– Policy on Student Governments
- A purchase request form must be completed and approved before completing the designated check request form.
- Check Requests must be submitted with the following title template ‘Purchase Request Number – Check Request’
- Example: 2425OP-20-Check Request
- Check Requests must be submitted with the following title template ‘Purchase Request Number – Check Request’
- Students who are to be reimbursed will need to fill out an SGSM Check Request. Each department will have its respective form. To find out which form is appropriate, please contact the SGSM Business Office. For all check requests, please visit: https://www.studentgov.uci.edu/business-office/check-requests/
- Students must provide an appropriate receipt or paid invoice for all reimbursements. An appropriate receipt would be one that shows the vendor name, date, items, final amount, and payment method. Receipts that are not legible or faded will not be accepted. Students will then be responsible for getting a re-print from the vendor.
- Venmo is not an approved form of receipt or payment.
- Students should not use vendors that are not able to provide an official itemized receipt or paid invoice.
- Certain items will require additional documents. Please see the table below for the requirements.
Reimbursable Expense | Documents Required |
Food, Opportunity Drawings | Approved Purchase Request Form + Receipt + Sign-In Sheet + Advertisement of Event |
Gifts, Raffles, Giveaways | Approved Purchase Request Form + Receipt + Verification Sheet |
Travel | Approved SGSM Travel Form + Receipt + Proof of Attendance |
All Other Items | Approved Purchase Request Form + Receipt |
- Students will be reimbursed in the form of a check.
- Reimbursement requests must be submitted 30 days post event. For events in Spring Quarter, students must submit 30 days post event or prior to the fiscal close deadline, whichever comes first.
- Students may request for payment to be made directly to the vendor if they accept a check. The student will be responsible for providing the unpaid invoice as well as all required documents within the check request.
- Students who are utilizing UCI Dining are responsible for submitting their check requests with proper paperwork if it is a self-purchase.
Uniform orders submitted after will not be accepted. Students who have not obtained an approved Purchase Request will not have their order submitted. Offices who successfully met the deadline may place a small re-order for new staff members. These re-orders must be submitted to the marketing pro-staff by February 2, 2025. Any uniform items submitted after this date will not be accepted.
When orders arrive, students will be notified via email. Each student receiving a uniform item will be required to pick up their items from the SGSM front desk within two weeks from the item’s delivery.
Students cannot self-purchase additional uniform/clothing items where logos from any SGSM or university entity are present or represent the university in any way.
- Events handling food are required to have properly trained food handlers onsite at all times. A member of the commission applying for a food permit who will be handling food (preparation, cooking, and/or serving) is required to take the UCLC Food Safety training class prior to submitting a permit request application.A trained individual must be present during the entire time that food or beverages are prepared, served, and/or sold. The Food Safety training shall be completed each academic year and prior to the first event at which food is served. The training is valid for the academic year (July 1 – June 30).Please see the instructions below on how to access the Food Safety training:
- The Food Safety training is found on the UC Learning Center To find the training use the key search word: Food Safety.
- Select “Food Safety” and complete the training.
- If a supervisor name is requested please type “Ana Clayton”.
To take the training on the UC Learning Center website, you will need to request access. Choose “Student and Affiliate Access Request”, which is on the upper right. It will take 72 hours to process your request.
- Events handling food are required to have properly trained food handlers onsite at all times. A member of the commission applying for a food permit who will be handling food (preparation, cooking, and/or serving) is required to take the UCLC Food Safety training class prior to submitting a permit request application.A trained individual must be present during the entire time that food or beverages are prepared, served, and/or sold. The Food Safety training shall be completed each academic year and prior to the first event at which food is served. The training is valid for the academic year (July 1 – June 30).Please see the instructions below on how to access the Food Safety training:
- Food and beverage purchases are permitted for in-person, on-campus events only.
- All food and beverage purchases must be pre-approved through the purchase request form. If staff is purchasing the meals/catering, a food order form will also be required to be submitted with the order form. Staff has the right to deny or ask for the student to choose another location if they are purchasing due to payment requirements.
- No last-minute requests for ordering and or approving food and beverage will be accepted.
- Students are highly recommended to utilize UCI Dining for convenience of set-up, clean-up, and billing. For more information on UCI Dining and their catering options, please visit their website: https://food.uci.edu/
- Catering that is not done through UCI Dining must be an approved caterer and approved by SGSM first. To find the list of approved caterers, please visit: https://food.uci.edu/catering-alcohol/off-campus-caterers/
- Approved caterers are approved to deliver onto campus by the flagpoles ONLY. All applicable insurance and policies must be adhered to.
- Caterers not on the approved catering list will not be permitted to deliver to campus. Students will be responsible for picking up food, set-up, clean-up, and other requirements through UCI Dining.
- All food and beverage for boothing must be individually pre-packaged.
- Events with food and beverage must have proper sanitation for attendees and cleaning. If students do not comply, they will no longer be able to serve food and beverages at any future events.
- Events with food and beverage must use the physical SGSM sign-in sheet and marketing flyer/copy of the digital ad to document attendees. Students will not be allowed to create their own sign-in sheets, The sign-in sheet will be required for any reimbursement associated with food and beverage costs.
- If a staff member is pre-ordering food and beverage on a student’s behalf, the documentation to complete reimbursement is required back to the staff member via the SGSM Business Office front desk the next business day after the event. If items are not completed, the student’s budget will be at risk of being frozen until items are collected for any future purchasing.
- All food, regardless of staff or self-purchase, must be within 20 minutes of campus.
- This circle covers about 8-10 miles from campus. This ensures students are driving no more than 30 minutes back to campus when picking up food, leaving time for the food to be served safely.
- Meals/catering ordered by a staff member must follow certain requirements:
Fast Food | Restaurants |
No Drinks (students may order canned/bottled beverages from another store) | Max 2 types of catering drinks can be ordered (no individual drinks) |
Max 4 types of items (no meals) Example: 20 burgers, 20 cookies, and 20 fries |
Max 6 types of catering food items total |
Only catering or family portions can be ordered |
- Please review the policy on meal expenses and maximums for all events in any form: https://www.accounting.uci.edu/travel/entertainment/meal-maximum.html
- Office meals during staff meetings will be limited. Meals will only occur per office and not commission. Meals during meetings for any employee should be provided only if they are infrequent. Frequency of meals for meetings as defined by the university should only occur no more than once a month or twelve times per year. The frequency of light refreshments should be no more than twice per month. Light refreshments are defined as coffee, other beverages, snacks, hors d’oeuvres, pasties, cookies, crackers, chips, fruit, etc. A meal is defined as a catered or restaurant- provided breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
***SGSM Professional Staff have the right to determine any purchase allowed due to resources for purchasing***
- Raffles are no longer allowed in SGSM through the advising of UCOP, as they are regulated under CA State law (Penal Code section 320.5 and related regulations).
- All items need to be given either through a giveaway or opportunity drawing.
- The State stipulates that you can hold an opportunity drawing (and not have to file with the State) if all of the following are true:
- It involves general and indiscriminate distribution of the chances/tickets.
- The chances/tickets given away have the same winning opportunities.
- The scheme does not require any of the participants to pay for a chance to win and that fact is clearly advertised.
- The State stipulates that you can hold an opportunity drawing (and not have to file with the State) if all of the following are true:
- Gift cards to be given away as an opportunity drawing, gift or giveaway funded by student fees must be given to a currently enrolled UCI student. Any student who gives an item to a non-enrolled UCI student will not be reimbursed for that item.
- In-person events are permitted to give gift cards and select discount tickets (only those determined by SGSM) as opportunity drawings or giveaways ONLY when purchased by SGSM professional staff, and the student has received purchase request and order approval. Mailing items to students is not allowed.
- SGSM staff will purchase a gift card/discount ticket to be used as the giveaway, prize, opportunity drawing, or appreciation gift per applicable policies. Graduate Student Governments (SBA, MSA, and AMSG) are permitted to purchasing their own gift cards that are within policy for reimbursement.
- A purchase request and order form will be required. Deadlines and dates for items needed are located on the forms as well as information needed.
- After the event, the student is responsible for supplying via email the sign in sheet and approved PR from the event. The sign in sheet needs have each attendee’s name, signature, date, and UCI net ID. Your email will be sent to Lupe at lvelezma@uci.edu and Jennifer at jenng24@uci.edu. The email will be titled “Winner Selection-(Commission name)”. Staff will choose a random winner from the sign in and provide the information to the Student Government receptionist who will in return email the winner to pick up the prize.
- Gift cards can be picked up at the SGSM Business Office, where verification forms will be completed at the time
- Gift cards will only be given in hard form and must adhere to the approved list of gift cards at a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $75 for any qualified persons.
- Gift cards can only be purchased by SGSM staff. Any student who purchases a gift card must have been given exceptional approval for reimbursement.
- Gift cards for the following are not permitted per UC Policy:
- Gift cards for personal services such as, but not limited to, spas, food delivery, transportation, and other memberships are not permitted.
- Gift cards for monetary value such as Visa, Mastercard, or American Express are not permitted. The gift card must be redeemable for tangible items only.
- Once the student picks up the gift card, SGSM is no longer responsible for the gift card.
- Approved gift cards for purchase:
- Amazon
- The Hill
- Starbucks
- Target
- UCI Dining Card
- In-person events are permitted to give gift cards and select discount tickets (only those determined by SGSM) as opportunity drawings or giveaways ONLY when purchased by SGSM professional staff, and the student has received purchase request and order approval. Mailing items to students is not allowed.
- The ONLY tangible item ALLOWED for purchase is any item valued under $5 (no need for verification documents) that will need to be purchased by the student with properly approved documentation and a reimbursement supplied with original receipts. Recipients of any items valued over $5 will need to sign a verification form. This pertains to both in-person and online events. Items being given away may not be bundled together. The total amount must be a value of $5 or less.
- Boothing events are allowed to give away one item from each category:
- Information- flyer, brochure, pamphlet, etc.
- Marketing- sticker, pin, etc.
- Giveway/Snack/ Beverage/Activity
- Giveaway items must be valued at $5 or less.
- Snack or beverage must be pre-packaged and non-perishable.
- If there is an activity taking place where participants get to take their item with them, that would be considered their giveaway item.
- Paid student employees of student governments or student media are not applicable to win or receive any items funded from student fees through their own department. Interns who are not paid are exempt from this policy.
- Student employees and interns can receive a one-time appreciation gift up to a value of $75 for the academic year. All purchasing policies must be adhered to. SGSM reserves the right to determine what items are allowed for purchase and lead-time for purchasing.
- Clothing or wardrobe-style items will not be allowed for appreciation gifts in this manner. Only clothing deemed as a uniform.
- Appreciation items can be given to speakers as a replacement for a speaker’s fee or contract in accordance with university policy, as approved by SGSM. Please speak with SGSM pro-staff prior to requesting this type of appreciation, as there are policies surrounding the type of appreciation gift that can be given.
- All items given to recipients will be compiled into a report to be given to UCI Financial Aid for reporting per policy. Some items may be reportable and may affect a student’s financial aid. For a list of reportable items to UCI Financial Aid, please see below:
Gift cards/gifts received for: Reportable Completing surveys No Meal swipe cards or emergency grocery cards not exchangeable for cash No Raffle or drawing Yes Employee appreciation gifts/gift cards Yes Employee appreciation events (banquet, pizza party, etc.) No - Examples of unallowable awards and gifts include the following:
- Gifts of cash, except donations to a charity as an expression of sympathy
- Negotiable gift certificates and cards (American Express gift cards, Visa gift cards, etc.)
- Gift certificates and cards for services
- Recreation memberships
- Season tickets to sporting or cultural events
- Gifts provided to employees in connection with birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, holidays, farewells, graduations, and other occasions of a personal nature
- Examples of unallowable awards and gifts include the following:
- Certain commissions within ASUCI are permitted to give away their choice of t-shirt, canvas bag, or drinkware. The commissions permitted for these items are as follows:
- ASUCI Elections
- Athletics
- Concerts
- Mental Health Conference
- Speakers
- *Civic Engagement may giveaway items every two years during national elections only
- When able, students should opt for virtual conferences. In-person travel will be allowed and may need exceptional approval from the university.
- All virtual events and in-person travel will only be permitted for students who are in compliance with the university vaccination or exemption policy. Students who do not meet those requirements will not be reimbursed for any virtual or in-person events/travel.
- All virtual and in-person travel requests must be work-related in nature to the mission of SGSM.
- All students must read through our SGSM Travel Policies document found here: Travel Policy Document
- Meals and incidentals during travel are capped at $79 a day during official travel. The $79 is broken down to $18 breakfast, $20 lunch, $36 dinner, and $5 incidentals. These amounts include all tax and tip. Meal amounts may not be skipped to combine for other meals. The meal and incidentals rate are only supplement for meals that are not provided during travel. Alcohol is strictly prohibited from the meals and incidental reimbursements. The rate reflects per traveler.
- All students must submit an SGSM Travel Form regardless for both virtual events and in-person travel found on the SGSM Internal Site. You must be in the SGSM directory to be able to access it.
- The form must be submitted six (6) weeks prior to the event. For any larger groups should be submitted earlier and allow for more time for staff to review.
- Once staff review the forms, students will be notified if their travel has been approved or denied as well as the next steps for booking.
- All travel must be booked by a SGSM team member unless otherwise noted.
- Please review the policy on meal expenses and maximums for all travel in any form: https://www.accounting.uci.edu/travel/reimbursement/meals-incidentals.html
- All event requests will need to be approved by staff using the various event approval forms and processes, as well as communicating directly with the SGSM Events team.
- Off-campus events are only allowed as a case-by-case review and dependent on the nature of the event. If governing documents state no off-campus events are allowed for funding, those documents will be followed. Off-campus events will need exceptional review by risk management and other entities. This process can take a minimum of 6-8 weeks.
- Due to resources or other events being held around the same timeframes, events MAY BE DENIED. SGSM has the right to deny events if resources are unavailable to ensure the event is held safely and properly.
- Attendees of events on-campus must follow all university policies and will not be permitted to attend events or receive items from events if they do not.
- All events must abide by university requirements and policies.
- All events providing food that is not prepacked and individually wrapped require temporary food permit and a food handlers card for any students picking up and/or serving the food.
- Different events may take one (1) month to six (6) or more months to plan, so students must follow the timeline and submit event requests as early as possible.
- All large and small events must be approved by the SGSM Events team prior to any submissions, bookings or advertising. This does not pertain to boothing or meetings. Depending on the scope of the event this may be done via email or a 10–15-minute meeting with a member of the SGSM events team.
- Any events requesting to be held in Student Center reservable space must complete the SCES Event Form for approval and planning with SCES: https://internal.studentgov.uci.edu/sces/
- Once your event has been approved via the SGSM event link, The SGSM Events team can discuss all aspects of the event, including planning, booking, preparation, policies, contracting, and any other procedures required. Please see the flow chart below:
- All advertisements, marketing, and creative-related products using the ASUCI, AGS, or any other student government-associated logos must be consulted with the SGSM Creative team. Medias will consult with their lead-advisor first for review and appropriate usage. All reviews will follow any university trademark policies.
- Students are welcome to create their own designs. All creative content must be proofread by the Creative Specialist before publishing or printing. All marketing materials made to promote events must match the event name on your SGSM Event Request Form. Once a design comp is created and chosen by students, you have two opportunities to make revisions, if time permits. Any changes after that are at the discretion of the Creative team.
- Any creative material that was not approved by SGSM will not be reimbursed. Students must submit a purchase request form and receive approval before anything can be purchased. Please see the purchasing policy for the form or https://studentgov.uci.edu/business-office/check-requests/ and scroll to the bottom to review additional forms.
- Students may purchase marketing/creative items on their own as long as their materials and designs are approved, including purchase requests. All items must be reviewed and approved by the Creative team prior to the student purchasing due to vendors, trademarks, etc. If the Creative team does not review items and a student purchases, the item will not be reimbursed regardless of the approval of the purchase request.
- All social media platforms are managed by SGSM staff and a designated student, i.e. ASUCI CMTO. Please refer to the SGSM staff for any postings or means of creative you may have as there are specific guidelines for the use of the SGSM social media accounts and external marketing pre-post and post-posting.
- SGSM social media handles are the official handles for all posting that is specific to SGSM entities; these handles are university-owned handles and must follow all university posting policy unless otherwise stated by the university
- Any handles outside the official set will not be recognized for posting or use
- Creative will not be developed or approved for unofficial handles
- Tagging from the SGSM handles to unofficial, non-university handles is not allowed and if found, the tagging will be removed from the post. Tagging from SGSM handles is allowed with all official university handles and or RCOs only if the post is in official collaboration with the entity, i.e. event/program, and it has been cleared.
- If any university logos/trademarks and or information is used on a post that has not been approved and is posted on a non-official university handle, the person(s) who own that handle and posted will be responsible for any negligence of that post, including impersonation of a logo without approval or trademark infringement.
- Requests must be made two (2) weeks ahead for a digital design. All necessary details must be included in your inquiry email. This includes your office/commission, event date, time, and description. Please also include creative input.
- Large event campaign requests must be made at least two (2) months ahead of time. Students need to reach out to the Creative team after meeting with the Events team to get started on requests.
- Requests are taken on a first-come, first-served basis with ASUCI projects taking priority.
- Last minute or same day requests will not be accepted.
- PODCASTS/VIDEOS (interviews, etc.)
- Any podcast or video created by officers can ONLY be hosted through the official SGSM-affiliated channels, and cannot be copied and hosted on personal websites or podcast channels.
- The titles can include the name of the office/commission, but cannot include the name of the person hosting, as it’s the office/commission hosting it, not the person.
- They cannot be used to promote personal projects/items of UCI students/staff, but can promote official UCI projects/items, or those of people outside of UCI as long as it coincides with the concept and is approved by SGSM, i.e. Speaker Series – speaker is being interviewed and is promoting their work. UC Regents policy prohibits using SGSM resources for personal projects or backdoor to promote someone else at UCI that isn’t an official UCI project.
- Agreements may need to be signed before interviewing someone on a podcast/video.
- Please do not make podcast/video without speaking to SGSM pro-staff first to ensure that everything is in order before beginning.
- Any podcast/video made without the approval of SGSM pro-staff and placed on affiliated channels will be removed.
- Any podcast or video created by officers can ONLY be hosted through the official SGSM-affiliated channels, and cannot be copied and hosted on personal websites or podcast channels.
All paid student recruitment, regardless of the type of pay, must include the below on ALL applications and ALL types of recruitment marketing, whether digital or in-print, on any format:
Conditions of Employment:The University of California, Irvine (UCI) seeks to provide a safe and healthy environment for the entire UCI community. As part of this commitment, all applicants who accept an offer of employment must comply with the following conditions of employment:- Background Check and Live Scan
- Employment Misconduct*
- Legal Right to Work in the United States
- Vaccination Policies
- Smoking and Tobacco Policy
- Drug Free Environment
*Misconduct Disclosure Requirement: As a condition of employment, the final candidate who accepts a conditional offer of employment will be required to disclose if they have been subject to any final administrative or judicial decisions within the last seven years determining that they committed any misconduct; received notice of any allegations or are currently the subject of any administrative or disciplinary proceedings involving misconduct; have left a position after receiving notice of allegations or while under investigation in an administrative or disciplinary proceeding involving misconduct; or have filed an appeal of a finding of misconduct with a previous employer.a. “Misconduct” means any violation of the policies or laws governing conduct at the applicant’s previous place of employment, including, but not limited to, violations of policies or laws prohibiting sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other forms of harassment, discrimination, dishonesty, or unethical conduct, as defined by the employer.For reference, below are UC’s policies addressing some forms of misconduct:The following additional conditions may apply, some of which are dependent upon business unit or job specific requirements.- California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act
- E-Verify
Pre-Placement Health Evaluation
Details of each policy may be reviewed by visiting the following page: https://hr.uci.edu/new-hire/conditions-of-employment.php -
- For all requests, please email the Creative Specialist, Nikki Wiggins, at nikki.w@uci.edu within the respective timeline indicated above.
- In the request, all students must provide:
- Vector logos, if you do not have vector, a high-res JPG will work
- Verbiage (who, what, when, where, why)
- High resolution photographs (low resolution pics copied off the internet are unacceptable)
- Design theme or concept desired
- Color scheme preferred
- SGSM budget account number/name with validated funds for costs
- Your contact information for us to send proofs and final designs
- Students are responsible for all information required in the request to prevent delay in work.
Our department will be utilizing the Service Now program for all technology and web requests. Please do not email oit@uci.edu for any Student Government Student Media requests, as they do not know what to do, and it will delay your request. If you have general questions, email SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu directly.
- Please use your SGSM email address (commission emails) when you make your request using the emails below. You should select the email address that matches the area that you need help with:
- ASUCI – helpdesk@asuci.uci.edu
- Anteater Express – helpdesk@shuttle.uci.edu
- AGS – helpdesk@ags.uci.edu
- SGSM Staff Only – helpdesk@studentgov.uci.edu
- Yearbook – helpdesk@yearbook.uci.edu
- New University – helpdesk@newuniversity.org
- KUCI – helpdesk@kuci.org
- Anteater TV – helpdesk@anteater.tv
- Only use your UCI email address when you need a password reset and you cannot get into your email.
- Almost all requests should come from SGSM Officers with an email address, as we need the Officer with authority to make the request, and not an intern.
- If you need any assistance with a password reset, update to websites, etc., please use the appropriate email addresses above to email in your request.
- Reply to the email that’s generated after you make a request. DO NOT start a new email for the same request.
- If you have a new request that is not related to your original request, please send in a new email (each request should have its own ticket).
- When you submit your request, you will get an email back with the subject line “SGSM Services Request SGSM000XXXX has been created”.
- If you need to add additional information, or if you want to inquire about the status of the request, reply to this email.
- Each reply back will include all the information from previous replies, and you will also receive a copy.
- Please do not create a new email directly to the Help Desk email asking the status of something that has already been started, as that will start a new request.
- Make sure to always reply back to one of the emails from your original request (you do not have to reply to the latest one in the thread).
- When your request is complete, we will email you back letting you know that it is done and ask you to verify the work that was requested.
- If you do not reply to that email with any issues within 48 hours, we will close the request, and you will need to make a new one if there are further issues.
- There will be some requests that we do not need a response from you, and we will respond letting you know that, and we will close the request.
- Multiple requests
- If you have a new request that is unrelated to a current one you already have open, please do not reply to one of the other emails with it.
- Please send in a new Help Desk email request (using above emails) for every new item request, so that we can track the new request separately.
- As an example, asking for website changes and then replying back asking for assistance with a Zoom meeting
- Each of those should have their own request.
- As an example, asking for website changes and then replying back asking for assistance with a Zoom meeting
- We recommend having a separate folder for all Service Now correspondences so that you can keep track of your requests.
Student Government Student Media oversees many different websites. These include, but not limited to:
These websites are managed by a variety of different people. SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu oversee all websites to some extent and can point you in the right direction for website-specific questions.
- Website versus Web Page
- A new website:
- does not already exist
- does not easily or logically fit under an existing website
- a large enough event that we want to devote the resources and marketing strategy needed to develop (i.e. Soulstice, Summerlands, APAD).
- A new web page is one that goes under an existing website, inheriting the same look and feel while presenting new information where it logically belongs (i.e. vendor fair on the ASUCI website).
- Most new web content will be a web page, as new websites are reserved for more involved events and services.
- A new website:
- Creating a New Website
- Once you have an event or service in planning and in motion, consider:
- whether a web site or page already exists
- if a new page or site is needed.For more details, please read the Large Project Needs + Requirements section below.
- Discuss with your appropriate SGSM Advisor about the new website.
- Once approved, create a Service Now ticket for the new website. Please remember to CC: SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu on the Service Now ticket as well.
- E-mail Service Now & SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu to discuss or set up an appointment.
- Organize your desired web content into a clean document, marking sections with titles. Include desired location/URL.
- Include any photographs or graphics.
- Include any special instructions.
- E-mail website content and artwork to Service Now and CC: SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu.
- Reply promptly to any requests for clarification or additional content.
- New websites and web pages can take anywhere from a day to multiple weeks to complete. The main reason for variation in completion times is how thorough the content provided is, in addition to overall complexity and workload.
- Once you have an event or service in planning and in motion, consider:
- Updating a Website
- If this is a major overhaul or lots of updates needed, please discuss with your appropriate SGSM Advisor about it first. If not, continue.
- Create a Service Now ticket for the update, and CC: SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu on that email.
- These websites are managed by a variety of different people. SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu oversee all websites to some extent and can point you in the right direction for website-specific questions.
- Indicate the URL of the page to be changed.
- Provide your updates.
- Include any photographs or graphics.
- Include all content updates/changes.
- Forms
- It’s very likely that at some point you will want to provide applications to the student-body or need a form for a specific event or initiative. For this we can create forms. The process is similar to updating a website.
- Surveys
- Create a Service Now ticket for the update and CC SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu on that email.
- Include
- Form/Application Title
- Description of the form, with important information, deadlines, contact information or other details.
- Deadline for the form to be completed
- List the identifying fields you want to include (Name, E-mail, Phone, Year in School, Major, etc.)
- Write out any questions you wish to have answered.
- How do you want to receive the data?
- Individual e-mails each time a form is completed?
- What E-mail address should replies be sent to?
- Wait until the deadline and request a spreadsheet with all responses
- Web Deliverable Timeframes
- Webpage content or minor site update – estimate up to 3-5 business days*
- Examples
- An already existing ASUCI page needs a change on the currently written text
- A photo needs to be modified/changed from an already existing photo
- Dates need to be updated on a page that already exists
- Examples
- Additional function/small site or page request – estimate up to 2-4 weeks*
- Examples
- A form on an already existing webpage
- A small change in the design of an existing webpage
- Examples
- Simple Single Page Projects (no backend) – estimate up to 3-6 weeks*
- Examples
- New page within an established site – ASUCI new page for a new commission
- Purely informational, no database or data storage/retrieval
- Examples
- Large Projects – estimate up to 8-12+ weeks*
- Examples
- New webpage/site – Summerlands, APAD, Soulstice
- Entire website revamp/rebranding – NewU, StudentGov
- Examples
- Webpage content or minor site update – estimate up to 3-5 business days*
*Possibly more time depending on workload at time of request (note: this time reflects when work is started on the project – TIMELINE DOES NOT START WHEN THE TICKET IS SUBMITTED)
- Large Project/Events Webpage Needs & Requirements
- Students will provide site design/mockup and all requirements for the project. They will have already done some of their own research. Students must provide all assets/documents by the time user research is completed (One (1) week after project work is started – otherwise there may be delays incurred).
- Front-end Dev: Interview
- What is the project?
- Walk me through what you do now?
- What is the purpose or need to be fulfilled?
- What are the pain points that need addressing?
- What are the criteria for satisfaction?
- Any current apps/websites that inspires you?
- What frequency would you be comfortable to meet for review?
- How do you want the site to look like?
- What do you want other students to take away from your site?
- What are other competitors that you want to inspire the design?
- Web Developer, OIT & SGSM Project Discussion
- User Research (Two (2) weeks)
- Front-end Dev Process
- Basic flow for backend to create a Story Map
- Create Epics for the Project
- Break down Epics into workflow Stories: “As a , I can (so that ).”
- Revise mockup if needed
- Front-end Dev: Interview
- Students will provide site design/mockup and all requirements for the project. They will have already done some of their own research. Students must provide all assets/documents by the time user research is completed (One (1) week after project work is started – otherwise there may be delays incurred).
- Design I [2-4 weeks]
- Wireframes: focus on layout and user flow [1 week]
- (If in WordPress) Look for WordPress theme(s) and plugins with Web Developer [2 days]
- Low-fidelity mock-up [1 week]
- Create skeleton (if in WordPress)
- Review with Stakeholder
- Test + Revise as needed [1-2 weeks]
- Development I [2 weeks]
- Create skeleton/base foundation pages
- Review with Stakeholder
- Development II [1-2 weeks depending on backend]
- Create fully flushed out site following the specs / mock-ups to create MVP
- Consistent stakeholder reviews, updates & contact
- Test + Revise design [1-2 weeks]
- Have SAIT & others outside of the organization test
- Usability Report
- Revise/Update
- Review with Stakeholder
- Repeat as needed
- Release
- All campuswide emails must be submitted utilizing the designated form and will be reviewed prior to sending: https://internal.studentgov.uci.edu/campuswide-emails/.
- Please review the campuswide email form for policy and instruction found on the Internal site.
- All surveys must follow the Student Affairs Survey Policy for review: https://sites.uci.edu/saslo/survey-coordination-for-student-affairs/
- If the survey is under 199 people or for workshop feedback, it will need to be approved by the Executive Director.
- If the survey is over 200, it will need to be approved by Student Affairs.
- Please review additional policy and complete the appropriate form found on the Internal site and secure approval from Student Affairs or professional staff: https://internal.studentgov.uci.edu/survey-request/
- Once approved, SGSM can release your survey based on approval protocol and you may continue with any marketing needed, if appropriate.
- Any survey that is not pre-approved, all reimbursements having to do with that survey will be denied.
All Student Governments are required to follow all policies within SGSM.
Students should always consult with their respective departments and advisors for additional resources of policies.
In accordance with Student Government protocols regarding the issuance of official Statements of the Government or Statements of Solidarity, Governments must adhere to the process outlined. This process applies to passing Statements within the legislative body, i.e., Council/Senate/Board and if the legislative body chooses, releasing them on University-owned listservs or other digital/print platforms, including social media. UC Irvine retains the authority to determine which platforms, if any, may be used for this purpose.
Process for sending a Statement of the Government/Solidarity using campuswide email, social media, and any other University-owned communications and platforms:
Statement of the Government/Statement of Solidarity can only be written by the legislative body of each Government, i.e., Senate, with the title of the legislation using this language
Cannot be a Statement that is against UC/State/Federal Policy/Law, i.e., supporting discrimination, certain election campaign policies
Legislation must be written with the exact Statement the body is making embedded in the legislation itself, with common Whereas and Therefore clauses
Student leadership may sign onto the Statement with their name/position or can leave just as the Statement signed by the legislative body
Legislation must be posted on a public-facing website that is maintained and publicly accessible at all times
Legislation must be voted on and approved based on the voting threshold set in the bylaws with voting records placed on the bottom of the legislation; regardless of passing or not (or withdrawn/table), the legislation stays on the website in perpetuity
If the legislation passes and the Government decides to send as a campuswide email, place on social media, or any other University-owned platform – digital or print, the exact Statement within the legislation can only be used and the link to the legislation that was passed must be in the Statement, and only sent by the President/Chair of the Senate/Council
All rules of the Zotmail policy must be followed, including having disclaimers on the bottom of the email and an opt-out option for students
Should the legislative body decide to endorse a Statement from a non-affiliated University entity or Registered Campus Organization (RCO), adhering to University policy, the legislative body is required to propose legislation that outlines its position and incorporates the original Statement from the entity or RCO. This legislation will serve as the legislative body’s official Statement of Solidarity with the respective entity or RCO. The proposed legislation must also include all necessary protocols as specified in existing guidelines, but not limited to.
These requirements ensure transparency, accountability, and consistency in the legislative body’s communication of official positions.
- All Student Medias are required to follow all policies within SGSM.
- Students should always consult with their respective departments and advisors for additional resources of policies.
- Please visit https://studentgov.uci.edu/business-office/ and select Funding Boards for a list of applicable Boards to apply.
- All Funding Boards that are managed by SGSM are required to follow all policies & procedures.
- All documentation, contracts, check requests, reimbursement, etc., are the sole responsibility of the main project contact and additional contacts listed who are awarded via the project fund application.
- SGSM will NOT complete any documents on any student’s behalf.
- SGSM will NOT purchase any items on the behalf of the awarded project. Students are responsible for all purchasing and following all SGSM policies & procedures with regard to purchasing.
- Students should always consult with their respective departments for additional resources of policies.
- Funding Boards that receive departmental funds (outside of SGSM) are exempt from the student fee policies.
2. Student fees must be returned to students through events, workshops, resources, advocacy, employment, etc.
3. Student fees are not permitted to be given to outside entities, people, or donated. This policy does not pertain to contracted entertainers, speakers, or other paid contracts.
4. Student fees must be used in manners that benefit the student-body as a whole.
5. Student governments will be upheld to their governing documents. Any departmental, UCI, or UCOP policies will supersede the governing documents of the student government.
a. The purchase request and order form MUST be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks before the event date.
b. For large/bulk orders, a purchase request form MUST be submitted a minimum of six (6) weeks before the event date.
c. Purchase Request and Order Form: Click Here
2. A purchase request form should be submitted per EVENT. All items should be specified on the order form based on the event. The only exception to this policy is when you are using multiple commissions working on the same event. Each commission will need to submit their own purchase request using their own commission budget. Secondary orders will be allowed upon the approval of the Event Team or Business Office.
a. Purchase Requests must be submitted with the following title template ‘Event Name – Your Commission'”.
1. Example: Beads and Friends- Garden Commission
3. A purchase request form may be submitted earlier than four (4) or six (6) weeks. If your purchase was approved as a staff purchase, send an email to Lupe at lvelezma@uci.edu and Jennifer at jenng24@uci.edu. You will title the email “PURCHASE REQUEST-Name of Event-Commission” and attach your approved PR. Paste the direct links to each purchase within the body of the email. The ordering of the items will be dictated at the discretion of the Events Team after the follow up email is sent to the events team requesting the purchase. You will receive an email from the Events Team confirming your request was received and another once your items are ready for pick up.
4. If a purchase request and order form is placed outside the minimum deadlines, less than four (4) or six (6) weeks as noted, it is NOT guaranteed that SGSM will be able to purchase the items via the order form if the purchase request is approved, and it will be the responsibility of the student to purchase and submit a complete check reimbursement. Any purchase request and order form that does not adhere to the deadline will be reviewed after others have met the deadline.
5. Technological purchase requests will be consulted with OIT before approval. All subscriptions and technological purchases must be done with a departmental email and never a personal/student email.
6. If you are requesting staff to purchase catering or meals, a food form needs to be filled out and submitted with your Purchase Request. The food form can be found directly in the purchase request form on Workfront.
7. Office-specific/related merchandise and clothing is meant for students who are on-campus only, working for their respective office. Items purchased will not be approved to be shipped to students. All items must be physically picked up. This includes clothing (considered uniforms) and office-specific items.
8. All purchases and usage of student fees must abide by UCI policies:
a. G-41– Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts
b. G-42– Gifts Presented to Non-Employees on Behalf of the University
c. 60 PACAOS– Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students (PACAOS)
d. BUS-79– Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions
e. 60 Governance & Fees– Policy on Student Governments
1. A purchase request form must be completed and approved before completing the designated check request form.
a. Check Requests must be submitted with the following title template ‘Purchase Request Number – Check Request’
1. Example: 2425OP-20-Check Request
2. Students who are to be reimbursed will need to fill out an SGSM Check Request. Each department will have its respective form. To find out which form is appropriate, please contact the SGSM Business Office. For all check requests, please visit: https://www.studentgov.uci.edu/business-office/check-requests/
3. Students must provide an appropriate receipt or paid invoice for all reimbursements. An appropriate receipt would be one that shows the vendor name, date, items, final amount, and payment method. Receipts that are not legible or faded will not be accepted. Students will then be responsible for getting a re-print from the vendor.
a. Venmo is not an approved form of receipt or payment.
b. Students should not use vendors that are not able to provide an official itemized receipt or paid invoice.
4. Certain items will require additional documents. Please see the table below for the requirements.
Reimbursable Expense | Documents Required |
Food, Opportunity Drawings | Approved Purchase Request Form + Receipt + Sign-In Sheet + Advertisement of Event |
Gifts, Raffles, Giveaways | Approved Purchase Request Form + Receipt + Verification Sheet |
Travel | Approved SGSM Travel Form + Receipt + Proof of Attendance |
All Other Items | Approved Purchase Request Form + Receipt |
5. Students will be reimbursed in the form of a check.
6. Reimbursement requests must be submitted 30 days post event. For events in Spring Quarter, students must submit 30 days post event or prior to the fiscal close deadline, whichever comes first.
7. Students may request for payment to be made directly to the vendor if they accept a check. The student will be responsible for providing the unpaid invoice as well as all required documents within the check request.
a. Students who are utilizing UCI Dining are responsible for submitting their check requests with proper paperwork if it is a self-purchase.
Uniform orders submitted after will not be accepted. Students who have not obtained an approved Purchase Request will not have their order submitted. Offices who successfully met the deadline may place a small re-order for new staff members. These re-orders must be submitted to the marketing pro-staff by February 2, 2025. Any uniform items submitted after this date will not be accepted.
When orders arrive, students will be notified via email. Each student receiving a uniform item will be required to pick up their items from the SGSM front desk within two weeks from the item’s delivery.
Students cannot self-purchase additional uniform/clothing items where logos from any SGSM or university entity are present or represent the university in any way.
a. Events handling food are required to have properly trained food handlers onsite at all times. A member of the commission applying for a food permit who will be handling food (preparation, cooking, and/or serving) is required to take the UCLC Food Safety training class prior to submitting a permit request application.A trained individual must be present during the entire time that food or beverages are prepared, served, and/or sold. The Food Safety training shall be completed each academic year and prior to the first event at which food is served. The training is valid for the academic year (July 1 – June 30).Please see the instructions below on how to access the Food Safety training:
– The Food Safety training is found on the UC Learning Center To find the training use the key search word: Food Safety.
– Select “Food Safety” and complete the training.
– If a supervisor name is requested please type “Ana Clayton”.
To take the training on the UC Learning Center website, you will need to request access. Choose “Student and Affiliate Access Request”, which is on the upper right. It will take 72 hours to process your request.
3. Food and beverage purchases are permitted for in-person, on-campus events only.
4. All food and beverage purchases must be pre-approved through the purchase request form. If staff is purchasing the meals/catering, a food order form will also be required to be submitted with the order form. Staff has the right to deny or ask for the student to choose another location if they are purchasing due to payment requirements.
5. No last-minute requests for ordering and or approving food and beverage will be accepted.
6. Students are highly recommended to utilize UCI Dining for convenience of set-up, clean-up, and billing. For more information on UCI Dining and their catering options, please visit their website: https://food.uci.edu/
7. Catering that is not done through UCI Dining must be an approved caterer and approved by SGSM first. To find the list of approved caterers, please visit: https://food.uci.edu/catering-alcohol/off-campus-caterers/
a. Approved caterers are approved to deliver onto campus by the flagpoles ONLY. All applicable insurance and policies must be adhered to.
b. Caterers not on the approved catering list will not be permitted to deliver to campus. Students will be responsible for picking up food, set-up, clean-up, and other requirements through UCI Dining.
8. All food and beverage for boothing must be individually pre-packaged.
9. Events with food and beverage must have proper sanitation for attendees and cleaning. If students do not comply, they will no longer be able to serve food and beverages at any future events.
10. Events with food and beverage must use the physical SGSM sign-in sheet and marketing flyer/copy of the digital ad to document attendees. Students will not be allowed to create their own sign-in sheets, The sign-in sheet will be required for any reimbursement associated with food and beverage costs.
a. If a staff member is pre-ordering food and beverage on a student’s behalf, the documentation to complete reimbursement is required back to the staff member via the SGSM Business Office front desk the next business day after the event. If items are not completed, the student’s budget will be at risk of being frozen until items are collected for any future purchasing.
11. All food, regardless of staff or self-purchase, must be within 20 minutes of campus.
a. This circle covers about 8-10 miles from campus. This ensures students are driving no more than 30 minutes back to campus when picking up food, leaving time for the food to be served safely.
12. Meals/catering ordered by a staff member must follow certain requirements:
Fast Food | Restaurants |
No Drinks (students may order canned/bottled beverages from another store) | Max 2 types of catering drinks can be ordered (no individual drinks) |
Max 4 types of items (no meals) Example: 20 burgers, 20 cookies, and 20 fries |
Max 6 types of catering food items total |
Only catering or family portions can be ordered |
13. Please review the policy on meal expenses and maximums for all events in any form: https://www.accounting.uci.edu/travel/entertainment/meal-maximum.html
14. Office meals during staff meetings will be limited. Meals will only occur per office and not commission. Meals during meetings for any employee should be provided only if they are infrequent. Frequency of meals for meetings as defined by the university should only occur no more than once a month or twelve times per year. The frequency of light refreshments should be no more than twice per month. Light refreshments are defined as coffee, other beverages, snacks, hors d’oeuvres, pasties, cookies, crackers, chips, fruit, etc. A meal is defined as a catered or restaurant- provided breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
***SGSM Professional Staff have the right to determine any purchase allowed due to resources for purchasing***
1. Raffles are no longer allowed in SGSM through the advising of UCOP, , as they are regulated under CA State law (Penal Code section 320.5 and related regulations).
2. All items need to be given either through a giveaway or opportunity drawing.
a. The State stipulates that you can hold an opportunity drawing (and not have to file with the State) if all of the following are true:
1. It involves general and indiscriminate distribution of the chances/tickets.
2. The chances/tickets given away have the same winning opportunities.
3. The scheme does not require any of the participants to pay for a chance to win and that fact is clearly advertised.
3. Gift cards to be given away as an opportunity drawing, gift or giveaway funded by student fees must be given to a currently enrolled UCI student. Any student who gives an item to a non-enrolled UCI student will not be reimbursed for that item.
a. In-person events are permitted to give gift cards and select discount tickets (only those determined by SGSM) as opportunity drawings or giveaways ONLY when purchased by SGSM professional staff, and the student has received purchase request and order approval. Mailing items to students is not allowed.
1. SGSM staff will purchase a gift card/discount ticket to be used as the giveaway, prize, opportunity drawing, or appreciation gift per applicable policies. Graduate Student Governments (SBA, MSA, and AMSG) are permitted to purchasing their own gift cards that are within policy for reimbursement.
2. A purchase request and order form will be required. Deadlines and dates for items needed are located on the forms as well as information needed.
3. After the event, the student is responsible for supplying via email the sign in sheet and approved PR from the event. The sign in sheet needs have each attendee’s name, signature, date, and UCI net ID. Your email will be sent to Lupe at lvelezma@uci.edu and Jennifer at jenng24@uci.edu. The email will be titled “Winner Selection-(Commission name)”. Staff will choose a random winner from the sign in and provide the information to the Student Government receptionist who will in return email the winner to pick up the prize.
4. Gift cards can be picked up at the SGSM Business Office, where verification forms will be completed at the time.
b. Gift cards will only be given in hard form and must adhere to the approved list of gift cards at a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $75 for any qualified persons.
1. Gift cards can only be purchased by SGSM staff. Any student who purchases a gift card must have been given exceptional approval for reimbursement.
2. Gift cards for the following are not permitted per UC Policy:
I. Gift cards for personal services such as, but not limited to, spas, food delivery, transportation, and other memberships are not permitted.
II. Gift cards for monetary value such as Visa, Mastercard, or American Express are not permitted. The gift card must be redeemable for tangible items only.
III. Once the student picks up the gift card, SGSM is no longer responsible for the gift card.
IV. Approved gift cards for purchase:
– Amazon
– The Hill
– Starbucks
– Target
– UCI Dining Card
4. The ONLY tangible item ALLOWED for purchase is any item valued under $5 (no need for verification documents) that will need to be purchased by the student with properly approved documentation and a reimbursement supplied with original receipts. Recipients of any items valued over $5 will need to sign a verification form. This pertains to both in-person and online events. Items being given away may not be bundled together. The total amount must be a value of $5 or less.
5. Boothing events are allowed to give away one item from each category:
a. Information- flyer, brochure, pamphlet, etc.
b. Marketing- sticker, pin, etc.
c. Giveway/Snack/ Beverage/Activity
1. Giveaway items must be valued at $5 or less.
2. Snack or beverage must be pre-packaged and non-perishable.
3. If there is an activity taking place where participants get to take their item with them, that would be considered their giveaway item.
6. Paid student employees of student governments or student media are not applicable to win or receive any items funded from student fees through their own department. Interns who are not paid are exempt from this policy.
a. Student employees and interns can receive a one-time appreciation gift up to a value of $75 for the academic year. All purchasing policies must be adhered to. SGSM reserves the right to determine what items are allowed for purchase and lead-time for purchasing.
b. Clothing or wardrobe-style items will not be allowed for appreciation gifts in this manner. Only clothing deemed as a uniform.
c. Appreciation items can be given to speakers as a replacement for a speaker’s fee or contract in accordance with university policy, as approved by SGSM. Please speak with SGSM pro-staff prior to requesting this type of appreciation, as there are policies surrounding the type of appreciation gift that can be given.
d. All items given to recipients will be compiled into a report to be given to UCI Financial Aid for reporting per policy. Some items may be reportable and may affect a student’s financial aid. For a list of reportable items to UCI Financial Aid, please see below:
Gift cards/gifts received for: | Reportable |
Completing surveys | No |
Meal swipe cards or emergency grocery cards not exchangeable for cash | No |
Raffle or drawing | Yes |
Employee appreciation gifts/gift cards | Yes |
Employee appreciation events (banquet, pizza party, etc.) | No |
Examples of unallowable awards and gifts include the following:
1. Gifts of cash, except donations to a charity as an expression of sympathy
2. Negotiable gift certificates and cards (American Express gift cards, Visa gift cards, etc.)
3. Gift certificates and cards for services
4. Recreation memberships
5. Season tickets to sporting or cultural events
6. Gifts provided to employees in connection with birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, holidays, farewells, graduations, and other occasions of a personal nature
7. Certain commissions within ASUCI are permitted to give away their choice of t-shirt, canvas bag, or drinkware. The commissions permitted for these items are as follows:
– ASUCI Elections
– Athletics
– Concerts
– Mental Health Conference
– Speakers
– *Civic Engagement may giveaway items every two years during national elections only
1. When able, students should opt for virtual conferences. In-person travel will be allowed and may need exceptional approval from the university.
2. All virtual events and in-person travel will only be permitted for students who are in compliance with the university vaccination or exemption policy. Students who do not meet those requirements will not be reimbursed for any virtual or in-person events/travel.
3. All virtual and in-person travel requests must be work-related in nature to the mission of SGSM.
4. All students must read through our SGSM Travel Policies document found here: Travel Policy Document
5. Meals and incidentals during travel are capped at $79 a day during official travel. The $79 is broken down to $18 breakfast, $20 lunch, $36 dinner, and $5 incidentals. These amounts include all tax and tip. Meal amounts may not be skipped to combine for other meals. The meal and incidentals rate are only supplement for meals that are not provided during travel. Alcohol is strictly prohibited from the meals and incidental reimbursements. The rate reflects per traveler.
1. All students must submit an SGSM Travel Form regardless for both virtual events and in-person travel found on the SGSM Internal Site. You must be in the SGSM directory to be able to access it.
2. The form must be submitted six (6) weeks prior to the event. For any larger groups should be submitted earlier and allow for more time for staff to review.
3. Once staff review the forms, students will be notified if their travel has been approved or denied as well as the next steps for booking.
4. All travel must be booked by a SGSM team member unless otherwise noted.
5. Please review the policy on meal expenses and maximums for all travel in any form: https://www.accounting.uci.edu/travel/reimbursement/meals-incidentals.html
1. All event requests will need to be approved by staff using the various event approval forms and processes, as well as communicating directly with the SGSM Events team.
a. Off-campus events are only allowed as a case-by-case review and dependent on the nature of the event. If governing documents state no off-campus events are allowed for funding, those documents will be followed. Off-campus events will need exceptional review by risk management and other entities. This process can take a minimum of 6-8 weeks.
2. Due to resources or other events being held around the same timeframes, events MAY BE DENIED. SGSM has the right to deny events if resources are unavailable to ensure the event is held safely and properly.
3. Attendees of events on-campus must follow all university policies and will not be permitted to attend events or receive items from events if they do not.
4. All events must abide by university requirements and policies.
a. If you request to have the UC President, UC Regent, UCOP or any other dignitary to an event, e.g., Senator, City Councilman, Mayor, State Representative, you must request this through the SGSM Executive Director prior to sending an invite for protocol. Depending on the person will depend on the protocol and what office within the university will manage the request, e.g., Chancellor handles all UCOP-related requests only.
b. All events providing food that is not prepacked and individually wrapped require temporary food permit and a food handlers card for any students picking up and/or serving the food.
5. Different events may take one (1) month to six (6) or more months to plan, so students must follow the timeline and submit event requests as early as possible.
1. All large and small events must be approved by the SGSM Events team prior to any submissions, bookings or advertising. This does not pertain to boothing or meetings. Depending on the scope of the event this may be done via email or a 10–15-minute meeting with a member of the SGSM events team.
2. Any events requesting to be held in Student Center reservable space must complete the SCES Event Form for approval and planning with SCES: https://internal.studentgov.uci.edu/sces/
3. Once your event has been approved via the SGSM event link, The SGSM Events team can discuss all aspects of the event, including planning, booking, preparation, policies, contracting, and any other procedures required. Please see the flow chart below:
1. All advertisements, marketing, and creative-related products using the ASUCI, AGS, or any other student government-associated logos must be consulted with the SGSM Creative team. Medias will consult with their lead-advisor first for review and appropriate usage. All reviews will follow any university trademark policies.
2. Students are welcome to create their own designs. All creative content must be proofread by the Creative Specialist before publishing or printing. All marketing materials made to promote events must match the event name on your SGSM Event Request Form. Once a design comp is created and chosen by students, you have two opportunities to make revisions, if time permits. Any changes after that are at the discretion of the Creative team.
3. Any creative material that was not approved by SGSM will not be reimbursed. Students must submit a purchase request form and receive approval before anything can be purchased. Please see the purchasing policy for the form or https://studentgov.uci.edu/business-office/check-requests/ and scroll to the bottom to review additional forms.
a. Students may purchase marketing/creative items on their own as long as their materials and designs are approved, including purchase requests. All items must be reviewed and approved by the Creative team prior to the student purchasing due to vendors, trademarks, etc. If the Creative team does not review items and a student purchases, the item will not be reimbursed regardless of the approval of the purchase request.
4. All social media platforms are managed by SGSM staff and a designated student, i.e. ASUCI CMTO. Please refer to the SGSM staff for any postings or means of creative you may have as there are specific guidelines for the use of the SGSM social media accounts and external marketing pre-post and post-posting.
a. SGSM social media handles are the official handles for all posting that is specific to SGSM entities; these handles are university-owned handles and must follow all university posting policy unless otherwise stated by the university
b. Any handles outside the official set will not be recognized for posting or use
i. Creative will not be developed or approved for unofficial handles
ii. Tagging from the SGSM handles to unofficial, non-university handles is not allowed and if found, the tagging will be removed from the post. Tagging from SGSM handles is allowed with all official university handles and or RCOs only if the post is in official collaboration with the entity, i.e. event/program, and it has been cleared.
iii. If any university logos/trademarks and or information is used on a post that has not been approved and is posted on a non-official university handle, the person(s) who own that handle and posted will be responsible for any negligence of that post, including impersonation of a logo without approval or trademark infringement.
5. Requests must be made two (2) weeks ahead for a digital design. All necessary details must be included in your inquiry email. This includes your office/commission, event date, time, and description. Please also include creative input.
6. Large event campaign requests must be made at least two (2) months ahead of time. Students need to reach out to the Creative team after meeting with the Events team to get started on requests.
7. Requests are taken on a first-come, first-served basis with ASUCI projects taking priority.
8. Last minute or same day requests will not be accepted.
9. PODCASTS/VIDEOS (interviews, etc.)
a. Any podcast or video created by officers can ONLY be hosted through the official SGSM-affiliated channels, and cannot be copied and hosted on personal websites or podcast channels.
i. The titles can include the name of the office/commission, but cannot include the name of the person hosting, as it’s the office/commission hosting it, not the person.
ii. They cannot be used to promote personal projects/items of UCI students/staff, but can promote official UCI projects/items, or those of people outside of UCI as long as it coincides with the concept and is approved by SGSM, i.e. Speaker Series – speaker is being interviewed and is promoting their work. UC Regents policy prohibits using SGSM resources for personal projects or backdoor to promote someone else at UCI that isn’t an official UCI project.
b. Agreements may need to be signed before interviewing someone on a podcast/video.
i. Please do not make podcast/video without speaking to SGSM pro-staff first to ensure that everything is in order before beginning.
c. Any podcast/video made without the approval of SGSM pro-staff and placed on affiliated channels will be removed.
All paid student recruitment, regardless of the type of pay, must include the below on ALL applications and ALL types of recruitment marketing, whether digital or in-print, on any format:
- Background Check and Live Scan
- Employment Misconduct*
- Legal Right to Work in the United States
- Vaccination Policies
- Smoking and Tobacco Policy
- Drug Free Environment
- California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act
- E-Verify
Pre-Placement Health Evaluation
1. For all requests, please email the Creative Specialist, Nikki Wiggins, at nikki.w@uci.edu within the respective timeline indicated above.
2. In the request, all students must provide:
a. Vector logos, if you do not have vector, a high-res JPG will work
b. Verbiage (who, what, when, where, why)
c. High resolution photographs (low resolution pics copied off the internet are unacceptable)
d. Design theme or concept desired
e. Color scheme preferred
f. SGSM budget account number/name with validated funds for costs
g. Your contact information for us to send proofs and final designs
3. Students are responsible for all information required in the request to prevent delay in work.
Our department will be utilizing the Service Now program for all technology and web requests. Please do not email oit@uci.edu for any Student Government Student Media requests, as they do not know what to do, and it will delay your request. If you have general questions, email SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu directly.
- Please use your SGSM email address (commission emails) when you make your request using the emails below. You should select the email address that matches the area that you need help with:
a. ASUCI – helpdesk@asuci.uci.edu
b. Anteater Express – helpdesk@shuttle.uci.edu
c. AGS – helpdesk@ags.uci.edu
d. SGSM Staff Only – helpdesk@studentgov.uci.edu
e. Yearbook – helpdesk@yearbook.uci.edu
f. New University – helpdesk@newuniversity.org
g. KUCI – helpdesk@kuci.org
h. Anteater TV – helpdesk@anteater.tv - Only use your UCI email address when you need a password reset and you cannot get into your email.
- Almost all requests should come from SGSM Officers with an email address, as we need the Officer with authority to make the request, and not an intern.
- If you need any assistance with a password reset, update to websites, etc., please use the appropriate email addresses above to email in your request.
- Reply to the email that’s generated after you make a request. DO NOT start a new email for the same request.
- If you have a new request that is not related to your original request, please send in a new email (each request should have its own ticket).
- When you submit your request, you will get an email back with the subject line “SGSM Services Request SGSM000XXXX has been created”.
a. If you need to add additional information, or if you want to inquire about the status of the request, reply to this email. - Each reply back will include all the information from previous replies, and you will also receive a copy.
a. Please do not create a new email directly to the Help Desk email asking the status of something that has already been started, as that will start a new request. - Make sure to always reply back to one of the emails from your original request (you do not have to reply to the latest one in the thread).
- When your request is complete, we will email you back letting you know that it is done and ask you to verify the work that was requested.
a. If you do not reply to that email with any issues within 48 hours, we will close the request, and you will need to make a new one if there are further issues.
b. There will be some requests that we do not need a response from you, and we will respond letting you know that, and we will close the request. - Multiple requests
a. If you have a new request that is unrelated to a current one you already have open, please do not reply to one of the other emails with it.
b. Please send in a new Help Desk email request (using above emails) for every new item request, so that we can track the new request separately.
i. As an example, asking for website changes and then replying back asking for assistance with a Zoom meeting
1. Each of those should have their own request. - We recommend having a separate folder for all Service Now correspondences so that you can keep track of your requests.
Student Government Student Media oversees many different websites. These include, but not limited to:
These websites are managed by a variety of different people. SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu oversee all websites to some extent and can point you in the right direction for website-specific questions.
Website versus Web Page
1. A new website:
a. does not already exist
b. does not easily or logically fit under an existing website
c. a large enough event that we want to devote the resources and marketing strategy needed to develop (i.e. Soulstice, Summerlands, APAD).
2. A new web page is one that goes under an existing website, inheriting the same look and feel while presenting new information where it logically belongs (i.e. vendor fair on the ASUCI website).
a. Most new web content will be a web page, as new websites are reserved for more involved events and services.
Creating a New Website
1. Once you have an event or service in planning and in motion, consider:
a. whether a web site or page already exists
b. if a new page or site is needed.For more details, please read the Large Project Needs + Requirements section below.
2. Discuss with your appropriate SGSM Advisor about the new website.
3. Once approved, create a Service Now ticket for the new website. Please remember to CC: SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu on the Service Now ticket as well.
4. E-mail Service Now & SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu to discuss or set up an appointment.
5. Organize your desired web content into a clean document, marking sections with titles. Include desired location/URL.
6. Include any photographs or graphics.
7. Include any special instructions.
8. E-mail website content and artwork to Service Now and CC: SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu.
9. Reply promptly to any requests for clarification or additional content.
10. New websites and web pages can take anywhere from a day to multiple weeks to complete. The main reason for variation in completion times is how thorough the content provided is, in addition to overall complexity and workload.
Updating a Website
1. If this is a major overhaul or lots of updates needed, please discuss with your appropriate SGSM Advisor about it first. If not, continue.
2. Create a Service Now ticket for the update, and CC: SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu on that email.
3. These websites are managed by a variety of different people. SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu oversee all websites to some extent and can point you in the right direction for website-specific questions.
4. Indicate the URL of the page to be changed.
5. Provide your updates.
6. Include any photographs or graphics.
7. Include all content updates/changes.
1. It’s very likely that at some point you will want to provide applications to the student-body or need a form for a specific event or initiative. For this we can create forms. The process is similar to updating a website.
1. Create a Service Now ticket for the update and CC SGSM IT sgsmit@uci.edu on that email.
2. Include
a. Form/Application Title
b. Description of the form, with important information, deadlines, contact information or other details.
c. Deadline for the form to be completed
d. List the identifying fields you want to include (Name, E-mail, Phone, Year in School, Major, etc.)
e. Write out any questions you wish to have answered.
f. How do you want to receive the data?
i. Individual e-mails each time a form is completed?
ii. What E-mail address should replies be sent to?
– Wait until the deadline and request a spreadsheet with all responses
Web Deliverable Timeframes
1. Webpage content or minor site update – estimate up to 3-5 business days*
a. Examples
i. An already existing ASUCI page needs a change on the currently written text
ii. A photo needs to be modified/changed from an already existing photo
iii. Dates need to be updated on a page that already exists
2. Additional function/small site or page request – estimate up to 2-4 weeks*
a. Examples
i. A form on an already existing webpage
ii. A small change in the design of an existing webpage
3. Simple Single Page Projects (no backend) – estimate up to 3-6 weeks*
a. Examples
i. New page within an established site – ASUCI new page for a new commission
ii. Purely informational, no database or data storage/retrieval
4. Large Projects – estimate up to 8-12+ weeks*
a. Examples
i. New webpage/site – Summerlands, APAD, Soulstice
ii. Entire website revamp/rebranding – NewU, StudentGov
*Possibly more time depending on workload at time of request (note: this time reflects when work is started on the project – TIMELINE DOES NOT START WHEN THE TICKET IS SUBMITTED)
Large Project/Events Webpage Needs & Requirements
1. Students will provide site design/mockup and all requirements for the project. They will have already done some of their own research. Students must provide all assets/documents by the time user research is completed (One (1) week after project work is started – otherwise there may be delays incurred).
a. Front-end Dev: Interview
i. What is the project?
ii. Walk me through what you do now?
iii. What is the purpose or need to be fulfilled?
iv. What are the pain points that need addressing?
v. What are the criteria for satisfaction?
vi. Any current apps/websites that inspires you?
vii. What frequency would you be comfortable to meet for review?
viii. How do you want the site to look like?
ix. What do you want other students to take away from your site?
x. What are other competitors that you want to inspire the design?
b. Web Developer, OIT & SGSM Project Discussion
c. User Research (Two (2) weeks)
d. Front-end Dev Process
i. Basic flow for backend to create a Story Map
ii. Create Epics for the Project
iii. Break down Epics into workflow Stories: “As a , I can (so that ).”
iv. Revise mockup if needed
2. Design I [2-4 weeks]
a. Wireframes: focus on layout and user flow [1 week]
b. (If in WordPress) Look for WordPress theme(s) and plugins with Web Developer [2 days]
c. Low-fidelity mock-up [1 week]
d. Create skeleton (if in WordPress)
e. Review with Stakeholder
f. Test + Revise as needed [1-2 weeks]
3. Development I [2 weeks]
a. Create skeleton/base foundation pages
b. Review with Stakeholder
4. Development II [1-2 weeks depending on backend]
a. Create fully flushed out site following the specs / mock-ups to create MVP
b. Consistent stakeholder reviews, updates & contact
5. Test + Revise design [1-2 weeks]
a. Have SAIT & others outside of the organization test
b. Usability Report
c. Revise/Update
d. Review with Stakeholder
6. Repeat as needed
7. Release
1. All campuswide emails must be submitted utilizing the designated form and will be reviewed prior to sending: Campuswide Emails.
2. Please review the campuswide email form for policy and instruction found on the Internal site.
1. All surveys must follow the Student Affairs Survey Policy for review: https://sites.uci.edu/saslo/survey-coordination-for-student-affairs/
*If the survey is under 199 people or for workshop feedback, it will need to be approved by the Executive Director.
*If the survey is over 200, it will need to be approved by Student Affairs.
2. Please review additional policy and complete the appropriate form found on the Internal site and secure approval from Student Affairs or professional staff: https://internal.studentgov.uci.edu/survey-request/
3. Once approved, SGSM can release your survey based on approval protocol and you may continue with any marketing needed, if appropriate.
4. Any survey that is not pre-approved, all reimbursements having to do with that survey will be denied.
2. Students should always consult with their respective departments and advisors for additional resources of policies.
3. In accordance with Student Government protocols regarding the issuance of official Statements of the Government or Statements of Solidarity, Governments must adhere to the process outlined. This process applies to passing Statements within the legislative body, i.e., Council/Senate/Board and if the legislative body chooses, releasing them on University-owned listservs or other digital/print platforms, including social media. UC Irvine retains the authority to determine which platforms, if any, may be used for this purpose.
3a. Process for sending a Statement of the Government/Solidarity using campuswide email, social media, and any other University-owned communications and platforms:
i. Statement of the Government/Statement of Solidarity can only be written by the legislative body of each Government, i.e., Senate, with the title of the legislation using this language
ii. Cannot be a Statement that is against UC/State/Federal Policy/Law, i.e., supporting discrimination, certain election campaign policies
iii. Legislation must be written with the exact Statement the body is making embedded in the legislation itself, with common Whereas and Therefore clauses
iv. Student leadership may sign onto the Statement with their name/position or can leave just as the Statement signed by the legislative body
v. Legislation must be posted on a public-facing website that is maintained and publicly accessible at all times
vi. Legislation must be voted on and approved based on the voting threshold set in the bylaws with voting records placed on the bottom of the legislation; regardless of passing or not (or withdrawn/table), the legislation stays on the website in perpetuity
vii. If the legislation passes and the Government decides to send as a campuswide email, place on social media, or any other University-owned platform – digital or print, the exact Statement within the legislation can only be used and the link to the legislation that was passed must be in the Statement, and only sent by the President/Chair of the Senate/Council
vii1. All rules of the Zotmail policy must be followed, including having disclaimers on the bottom of the email and an opt-out option for students
3b. Should the legislative body decide to endorse a Statement from a non-affiliated University entity or Registered Campus Organization (RCO), adhering to University policy, the legislative body is required to propose legislation that outlines its position and incorporates the original Statement from the entity or RCO. This legislation will serve as the legislative body’s official Statement of Solidarity with the respective entity or RCO. The proposed legislation must also include all necessary protocols as specified in existing guidelines, but not limited to.
3c. These requirements ensure transparency, accountability, and consistency in the legislative body’s communication of official positions.
1. All Student Medias are required to follow all policies within SGSM.
2. Students should always consult with their respective departments and advisors for additional resources of policies.
2. All Funding Boards that are managed by SGSM are required to follow all policies & procedures.
3, All documentation, contracts, check requests, reimbursement, etc., are the sole responsibility of the main project contact and additional contacts listed who are awarded via the project fund application.
a. SGSM will NOT complete any documents on any student’s behalf.
b. SGSM will NOT purchase any items on the behalf of the awarded project. Students are responsible for all purchasing and following all SGSM policies & procedures with regard to purchasing.
4. Students should always consult with their respective departments for additional resources of policies.
5. Funding Boards that receive departmental funds (outside of SGSM) are exempt from the student fee policies.