Welcome to the world of SGSM events! When it comes time to start planning your event, Shannon, Jennifer & Lupe from the SGSM events team is here to help. Remember, early planning is always simpler and more efficient than last minute scrambling. Below, you will find all the information you need to start and work through the event planning process

  1. Determine the 5 Ws and budget of your event with historical support.
    1. Who? Estimated number of attendees
      What? What does your event design (layout) look like? How will this layout contribute to the goal/purpose of the event?
      When? Why this date. Take weather and location into consideration.
      Where? Location and type of room needed.
      Why? What is the purpose/goal of the event? What would success look like?
    3. If you need information on historical, please reach out to your VP or the SGSM events team
  2. Confirm budget with your VP or the SGSM Business office
  3. Submit your event for SGSM for approval at
    1. Once approval is received take note of comments to edit your event as needed
    2. After an SCES Planner is assigned to your event, The SGSM or SCES Events team will reach out to you letting let you know if a pre-planning meeting is required. This connection will be made accordingly depending on the date of your event. Please also watch for any emails that may come from the SGSM events team with clarifying questions about your submission prior to a meeting. A meeting will be required if your event is not taking place in a location the Student Center oversees.
  4. Meet with SGSM and Student Center Event planners as requested/required.
    1. All planners will need to work with ONE ASUCI/AGS VP or Commissioner. VPs and commissioners are welcome at all meetings and will be involved in planning and execution, but communication and meetings will be directed to the main point of contact.
    2. We love to collaborate but please keep in mind that all communication and direction need to come from the ASUCI student point of contact
    3. No students outside ASUCI/AGS will be allowed to attend planning meetings. IE.RCOs
  5. Connect with the SGSM Creative team and if needed, SGSM IT.
  6. Continue to communicate with staff and other members of ASUCI as needed to plan and execute your event
  1. The Student Center website offers some guides and planning tips to help you plot your event without missing any details. You can find this information here:
  2. For events serving snacks or meals you may need to obtain a temporary food permit. All student handling food will be required. You can find this information here:
All events must abide by University policies

  1. Please remember that all events will need to be approved by staff using the required forms and processes. Majority of events will also require a minimum of 1 planning meeting with the SGSM Events Team.
  2. Off campus events are only allowed on a case-by-case review and dependent on the nature of the event.
    1. If governing documents state no off-campus events are allowed for funding, those documents must be honored.
    2. Off campus events and events needing a waiver, require exceptional approval by risk management and other entities. This process takes a minimum of 6-8 weeks.
  3. Events that require a contract require exceptional approval by risk management and procurement. This process takes a minimum of 8 weeks.
  4. Due to resources and events requesting to be held around the same timeframe, events may be denied.
  5. All events providing food that is not prepacked and individually wrapped require a temporary food permit. A food handlers’ card is required by all student setting up, picking up, serving or handling food. You can find more information here:
    1. All events serving snacks or food require a sign in sheet. This sign in sheet must be emailed to the staff who purchased your items no later than 48 hours after your event. Failure to do this may result in funds being frozen.
  6. Timelines for event planning range from 1-6 months. If you have any questions about this please reach out to the SGSM Events Team.
A purchase request is required for every purchase submitted by a student. This includes but is not limited to, purchases that a student is requesting of a staff member, event supplies, marketing materials, food, Balloon Lab and OC Photobooths orders.

If you are requesting a Costco, Amazon, Home depot or Target purchase be made by a staff member:

  1. Submit purchase request following correct lead times
  2. Once approved purchase request is received
    1. Create an email attaching the approved PR, PDF sending it to Lupe Velez Amanriquez @ and Jennifer Gonzalez @ Title the email “Staff Purchase, your office/commission and the name of your event”. Within the body of the email place each items purchase link with quantity of each item. DO NOT SEND A GOOGLE SHEET
    2. If the request is for gift cards list the quantity and amount of each gift card within the body of the email as you listed on the approved PR.

If a student is making the purchase

  1. Obtain the approved purchase request
  2. Make the purchase following the guidelines set on the purchase request
  3. After making the purchase, Submit a check request attaching appropriate documents
    1. Required Documents: Original itemized Receipt, piece of marketing material from event and approved PR. Any missing materials may result in not being reimbursed for all for some purchases.
    2. If food was purchased include a sign in sheet or you will not be reimbursed. Sign in sheets duplicated from other events will result in not being reimbursed.
When you have been approved and requested a gift card be purchased for an opportunity raffle.

  1. All events holding an opportunity drawing require a sign in sheet. The sheet needs to include each attendee’s name, UCI email and Student ID number on a numbered line. The sheet needs to also reflect the event name and event date.
  2. Within 48 hours after your event takes place you are responsible for supplying via email your event sign in sheet and approved PR. This email will be titled: “Winner Selection-(Commission Name)”
  3. Staff will choose a random winner and provide the information to the Student Government receptionist who in return will email the winner to pick up the prize.


Let’s start getting CREATIVE! By now, you should have your event booked, and you’re ready to start promoting. We want your event to be as successful as possible, so it’s best to start your creative campaigns as soon as you can. Here you can find answers to commonly asked questions and resources to help you get started. Once you’re ready to start your campaign and have your Purchase Request forms approved, contact Nikki at

Submitting a Design Request
Once you are ready to start designing, contact Nikki and provide your event details, your approved PR (only if purchasing), and your ideas for the design. Please note that marketing requests may take up to 2 weeks to complete, depending on the current workload. Once you choose the design you like, you will be allowed two additional revisions if time permits. Any additional changes will be at the discretion of the Creative team. Certain items, like stickers, require two or even three-weeks for production time, so keep this in mind when you are planning.


Getting design ideas for your events can be frustrating. Below are some resources to help you get creative!

Color Wheel Finding a Color Palette
Adobe Color
Color Hunt
ABC Typefaces & Fonts
Adobe Fonts
Google Fonts

Pricing and deadlines for campus marketing items like marquee graphics, social media ads, and Anteater Express ads:

Promotional items should be purchased from vendors approved by the University. You can view SGSM Purchasing Policies here. T-shirts, hats and bags will only be ordered for large events and must meet the minimum requirements for bulk orders, which is 400.  We will not start working on an order until you have your approved PR for merchandise.

Frequently Used Vendors

 NOTE: When printing merchandise, most items are done with screen printing. This means that you are charged per color. Keep your designs for merch down a maximum of 4 or 5 colors and make sure they are high-resolution or vector art


Here’s a look at some designs we’ve made for past events.

Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide
Students may request Nikki’s giant Peter plushie on a first come, first serve basis. Please fill out the form below and email to Submission of the form does not guarantee the plushie for your event.

Peter Rental Form